Meet the Owners

About Us

Caring for children, you could say, has always been a part of our family. Our grandparents owned and operated a child care center for over thirty years, our mother was the director there for several of those years and aunts and cousins also made their marks for the business. Many children came and went through those doors and it was only as we grew older that we recognized the impact early childhood educators had on young children. Growing up we experienced early childhood education and we are examples of the importance such an education has! Only recently has the public eye been focused on early childhood education, yet we grew up knowing its benefits, seeing how crucial it is for the growing child and wanting to proclaim its power! We experienced the advantages first hand and are elated to extend our experience and education to teaching your children and expanding their knowledge base! Our partnership with you as parents will help nurture their minds and shape them into life-long learners!

Always educating,

Andreea Hardy and Kristeena Ramey


The Learning Center and Preschool

17505 Russell in Allen Park

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday
7:00 am – 6:00 pm